Tuesday, 13 January 2015

New! The MrWobblyHead Project

I have been quiet for a while - mostly because I did not have anything to say. I often wish more people would take that approach. However, it is time to say a number of things and I will start with this...

I am really excited!

And that is because I am working with my new project, it's coming together nicely, it has two lovely gigs and is ready for lots more. I haven't been this passionate about writing and performing music since DepartureLounge and here I am with all sorts of people wanting a piece of the action. 

Go on, what is it? 

It's called The MrWobblyHead Project and it pulls together musicians from very different backgrounds in a part scored part improvised environment (let's stop worrying about the mechanics and make music but allow mechanics to happen when they need to.) 


Nobody has heard it yet, except us so I cannot and will not share any sound yet ... But we are playing at Cafe 164 / Leeds Gallery,  in Leeds on Friday 23 January 2015 for Leeds Print Festival : http://www.leedsprintfestival.com

Then, we will be performing in a very different pumping, kicking, rocking show at Belgrave Music Hall for IFIMPaC (Leeds College of Music) on Friday 13 February 2015. It's going to kick arse and has a lovely surprise special guest to help us rock the 4x out of it. 

We are all really excited about this adventure and we want you to be part of it. You can contribute your voice (and I mean your words spoken by you or your family see rules below) to this by sending me short quotations up to 20 seconds to me in a Dropbox link to seratoner@gmail.com and we may or may not use them in the show. 

 (We will not be able to pay for these, so you accept that you own the material at the time of submission and that it is your own voice, or that of someone who has agreed to allow you to use it, and you hand over any intellectual property in the text or any recordings to us ... In other words don't send stuff if you want to be paid and don't send me stuff that belongs to anyone else. I want words and voices please!)